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" Healthy is the New Skinny!"

Today Starts a New Chapter: Flying Back Into Fall! 10 Ways to develop a daily routine that will help you achieve your goals in 6 months!

October 12, 2023

Mia The Diva

Have you gotten off program during the summer? Did you not quite hit those Summertime Fly goals from back in January?

In this blog post we will be covering 10 Ways to develop a daily routine that will help you achieve your goals in 6 months & how to get back on track after enjoying a long summer break!

Hey Divas,

I hope everyone had an ahhhmazing summer and reached those summertime fly goals no matter their form! Even if you didn’t think you quite reach your goals you’re reading this so that means your still working towards them and are on your journey!

It’s officially official that Summertime Fly Season is over and we are Flying back into Fall! This is our time Divas, a season in which we thrive!

I just celebrated my birthday. I have an end of summer birthday so l always see it as my personal new year a time to reset and get focused for the year ahead.

We’ve got places to go, people to see and things to do as these next busy couple of months are upon us from a new school year, football season, fall festivities, the holiday’s and everything else in between!

In today’s blog post we will be talking about getting back on track after enjoying a summer break. I will be covering 10 Ways to develop a daily routine that will help you achieve your goals.

We may have slipped out of our routines or gotten off program while being out in these streets living our best Fabulous lives this summer!

We may have had a stressful summer everything not quite right, our life may be a complete hot mess and achieving our wellness goals may have been put on the back burner as we deal with life events.

We may have eaten out more than we would have liked, maybe not got in too many Fly Girl walks because it was too hot, trading water for wine, the list is endless!

The important thing is that hopefully regardless of how your wellness routine looked my hope is that you enjoyed your summer the good the bad and the not so good.

Flying back into Fall is a time where we harvest the fruits of committing to our goals throughout the year and set our intentions for the year ahead!

It’s a time to gather everything we’ve learned about ourselves over the year and use it as fuel for the year that is ahead. It’s a time of reflection and self evaluation to help keep us on track towards our goals and ultimately a better self.

So we have this big list of goals to be all that and more in 2024! Things we want to do, places we want to go and people we want to see.

How will we get there? How will we get this done? We have to know where we are going first so it’s important to have a vision of where you want to go and more importantly why. Think of your why as your motivation glue that’s holding all of this together.

The hard part is to actually believe in that goal and that we can accomplish it. So how do we do it? Well today dear diva that’s exactly what we are going to be talking about!

To accomplish a goal it requires to build habits that lead to that goal. The things that we do as a daily routine become habits that leads to crushing our goals!

10 Ways to develop a daily routine that will help you achieve your goals in 6 months!

1. Set a Goal

I know. I know. We’re always talking about goals here but we need them. Think of them as your guide on your path to success.

A diva needs to be balanced so it’s important to set a goal in all major areas of our life so we are not lacking in certain areas that can cause us distractions trying to fulfill the gaps in our life.

For example, if we’re in a tough spot financially that may be all that we see, and think about, all that we focus on but then not going on that walk we promised ourselves or drinking that smoothie.

So you see, it’s important to fill in the gaps by setting goals in different aspects of our lives. So with that said it’s best to start with where we are lacking the most and which area of our life needs the most love right now.

We will need to focus in the 4 major areas of life:





2. Evaluate your current situation.

The next step is in all areas of your life mentioned above take inventory of what’s working for you and what’s not? For purposes of this blog we will be focusing on health but this can also help to balance out the other areas of your life as well.

We can not really fix anything until we get real and honest with ourselves. We can not manage what we don’t measure so again, this is why we need goals and accountability.

Take a moment and write everything down, yes old school pen and paper when we physically write something down studies have shown our brain 🧠 holds on to more memory it’s also faster and more personal.

So get a cute journal book to write down all of your thoughts or an old school composition note book for .99 cents it doesn’t have to be super fancy, this is just one of many things to write and put in there while on this journey and beyond.

However, if you choose electronic no harm in that in my opinion writing it down is a stress reliever and is great for things we need to learn or memorize vs. using tablet or phone.

3. Create a plan

So here we want to start with our goal and then create a plan so think about what your action steps will be towards that goal. A good way to look at it is when we have our goal at the forefront of our mind is what we’re doing in the moment working towards that goal or away from it?

It’s a great way to gauge yourself and exercise self discipline. Nobody told us after the age of 18 we are to parent ourselves so think of self discipline as way that we parent ourselves.

Creating a solid plan will hold a diva accountable! So get it together dear diva we’ve got things to do!

4. Where do you see yourself in 6 months?

How does your day begin? What does it look like? Sometimes it takes a lot of self talk but more importantly doing the physical work of getting into routines that become habitual over time.

Like the saying says you gotta walk the talk. My Dad always told me that and l hated it when l first started the blog.

I had to be honest with myself and felt like a hypocrite because l wasn’t living the perfect healthy lifestyle 24/7 l spoke about. I wasn’t consistent. It made me feel isolated. I felt that l had to achieve a certain level of success before being in the health & wellness industry.

I developed imposter syndrome because I thought that being heavier I didn’t have the credentials or right to share my wellness journey. In addition I was criticized by people because of my size talking about nutrition.

I’m healthy and I’m overweight. For a long time I too viewed my weight as barometer of my health the lower the number the better my health. I was so wrong.

Health is so much more than a number on the scale and that’s exactly why I started this blog. I had to bring myself back to that. Healthy truly is the “ New Skinny “ & sharing that message is what I do.

I believe my Dad had good intentions in telling me that because there is some truth to it. My takeaway from walking the talk is to have belief in yourself and walk in that truth. My internal conversation wasn’t matching my external conversation and I found myself drained, burned out and frustrated.

So what are you talking about? Lean into those personal internal conversations you have with yourself what we say definitely has an impact how we are showing up in our lives and for ourselves.

We don’t have to be perfect. We do have to be present in our journey. We do have to show up and we do have to be honest.

So take a moment dear diva, get out your journal if you have one or old school paper & pen or app tablet etc. write down your life in every detail the way you want to see it 6 months from now.

Spill all the tea give all the deets! 6 months from now you will wish you started today.

5. Build a Routine & unlearn old habits

Starting my journey I felt all over the place and really had no direction. My priorities were not really the priorities that were going to get me the life I wanted. I was anxious most of the time and kinda just spun my wheels on the road to nowhere.

At the end of the day a diva needs discipline and structure. Growing up military I thrive in a structured environment.

As I’ve said before nobody told us we have to parent ourselves once we turn 18. So building structures and routines we have to identify our goal and build up a routine around it.

Simple right? Yes, but not easy.

Habits and Routines a few questions to ask yourself .

Has anything changed in my life, affecting my eating or sleeping habits?

When did I eat last and what did I eat?

How many hours did I sleep last night?

Did I get any movement in today? If so how long?

What are my hobbies that I enjoy or what hobbies can I get back into?

Once we get into a regular practice of asking ourselves these questions we can identify the gaps where we may need some extra love and care for ourselves.

6. Taking Action!

Nothing happens if nothing happens. Action is the magic! Taking action puts us in a physical space to keep the momentum going. Sometimes we have to get into our body first before our brain 🧠

Adding a physical activity into our daily routine can be life changing. I know whenever I am full throttle on program I have such a boost of energy and vitality! It’s getting cooler now in most places and it’s starting to get so nice outside, some activity is better than none and every little bit counts!

A few benefits of being active regularly we all know these but good to have the awareness and the reminders.

• Regular physical activity is good for the bones, muscles and heart.

• Being physical regularly also helps boost brain health helping us learn, think through things and problem solve. I walk more for my mental health these days more than anything.

• Regular physical activity also helps you sleep better when I’m walking regularly I sleep so much better and my body feels so refreshed and rejuvenated when I wake up.

A restful sleep is way underrated in the wellness space, I make it a goal to work from a place of rest and try my best to make decisions from a place of rest as I am able has been a complete game changer.

Nobody has to tell you but making decisions from a place of stress and emotions is NOT a good look for a diva!

7. Keep a journal

I’ve kept a journal for the majority of my life during different phases so it’s always fun to look back and read from the thoughts of my younger self.

When I first started I just wrote whatever I was feeling it was great to process my feelings and get some clarity on situations I was going through at the time. It was a place to vent.

There are so many journals for different areas of life I keep mine all in one place but recently I stated using different journals for different spaces of my life to get some organization throughout the chaos.

So for the purpose of this blog we’ll be focusing on food journaling and fitness journaling. When I started to write down everything I put into my mouth it helped me put my nutrition into perspective.

I was able to see what was working what wasn’t and most importantly how I felt after eating certain foods was a game changer. I focused on what gave me energy and what made me tired, so over time it’s helped me make better food choices.

I haven’t quite gotten into fitness journaling I have a fit bit for that but this season I’m going to give it a go to keep a fitness journal with the same structure of my food journaling to see what’s working and what’s not. So stay tuned lol 😂

A few benefits of journaling.

• Journaling reduces stress and anxiety it helps our ability to deal with the things we don’t want to think about or try to avoid. It’s a great distraction when going through hard times because it helps us process those avoidant thoughts.

• Journaling facts vs feelings, various studies have shown writing our emotions of how we felt about an experience or trauma can help improve physical and mental health writing out emotions from an event vs just writing the facts of what happened.

• Journaling holds us accountable. Let’s be real. Life gets to Life-ing at times and if we don’t have things on the calendar life still happens and we may miss to get the things done that we haven’t written down. Time and time again I’ve proven to myself when I write it down it gets done regardless of what’s going on. It helps keep me grounded in the midst of chaos.

I use to live my life by planning my agenda in my head then the moment life switched up all my priorities went out the window and I focused on the immediate life event. I wasn’t taking care of myself first at the end of the day and ultimately I made a tough situation worse by not taking care of myself and jeopardizing my future.

My anxiety got out of control at one point in my life after losing my father and I took things on by looking at things as far as my nose. I had no real direction I felt isolated and alone because I was trying to do everything on my own.

I felt like I had to take things on by myself in alot of ways, but what I’ve found out over the years is that I have people who love and support me in my life.

I just couldn’t see it back then because I was focused on those who abandoned me at a time when I needed them the most. I’m so grateful for the support l’ve had in my life and from the most unlikely as I thought anyway, of places.

At the end of the day when people show you who they are no matter the form it is a gift and in many cases will set you free.

I did desire to live a better, to get on with my life and get out of the mess I found myself in after grief, journaling helped me through those times. It helped me understand how I was feeling and gain a perspective of my situation at the time.

It was not organized it was more of a place for venting it’s not healthy to only use it for negative emotions because it can perpetuate them, but now I have more of a structure which is life changing!

I will be sure to share in a future post about journaling where I will go into more detail, so be sure to subscribe and follow a diva! I now use journaling to get my life in order and stay on top of things. So with all my rambling journaling is extremely therapeutic and it works! Mmmmkay.

So as we are on this journey yet again to flyness, journaling is an important piece to process our emotions and can help us get some clarity on what we are putting into our body and how much exercise we are getting in.

We didn’t get this far in life with a clean slate by the time we get to these big ages we’ve got a story to share a story to tell and we’ve lived our entire lives based on this story we’ve told to ourselves.

What is the story you’ve been telling yourself about your life? How is this story showing up in your daily choices? How can you make things easier on yourself?

8. Measure Progress

We can’t really get things under control that we don’t manage. Everything has been kinda all over the place for me these past couple of years and I lost my grounding. I’ve been so focused on everything and everyone but myself.

So self check-ins are vital we can’t change what we don’t know. We have to know how we’re doing and make the adjustments accordingly.

So how does it work? Well as we know. It’s important to tell yourself, I matter. No matter what is going on around us we will always be living in our bodies for as long as we have life so make it a cozy, comfortable, welcoming place to be!

When we need something our body gives us clues. For example if we are hungry we may get hunger pains and we know our body needs food. If we are thirsty we get something to drink. If we are tired we get some rest, you get the idea.

So if you’re not feeling so great maybe even depressed, tense shoulders, tightness it can be our bodies giving us a clue to chill, relax and take some deep breaths.

Writing down how we are feeling through self check-ins can help us solve our problems and can develop as a daily habit to work through things that are difficult to process that have happened to us in our lives.

It’s not overnight, it takes being real with yourself and talking your ish out be it to a trusted friend or a professional to help you as you unpack and work through the things that you may have wanted to forget about or finding ways to show up in your your day to day life as you work through your challenges and trauma.

9. Taking Ownership of Life and Outcomes

This was a difficult one. I had been in a space of feeling extremely frustrated with my life in general, most of it was because of the decisions I had made by putting others before myself and sometimes just not making good decisions. I allowed other peoples problems become my reality. Everyone and everything was more important than my wants and needs even basic needs at times.

When you have no boundaries for yourself people will drain you, it’s not always intentional however when you don’t take care of yourself first you really cannot help anyone else even if you think you are at the time. Eventually you will drain yourself of your own time and resources and will have nothing to give back to yourself or others because you’re exhausted. I know this all way to well.

When resentment settles in because of those you “ put first “ either they betrayed you or maybe they didn’t really appreciate you or your efforts or valued your efforts because it’s normal for them. It’s so easy to play the blame game of why your life is the way that it is when it’s not working in the way you would like.

Ultimately it’s our decisions that got us here no matter how painful or out of control we are of past or current circumstances it’s up-to us to how we deal with it now.

The beautiful thing of being a grown up is that you get to parent yourself and make your own decisions. When we blame others we are essentially handing all of our power to them. F-that. Not a good look for a diva!

You have the power to change your life with one single decision. I challenge you to speak daily affirmations to yourself. Speak life into yourself by making a daily routine out of it for the next 6 months and see how your life transforms!

10. Focus on the little things

It’s the little things that add up. I can remember so many moments throughout my life most major events have been a single moment be it a happy memory or not so happy moments all of our lives are a collection of moments and memories.

So my point is the little things matter. We can build a daily habit of telling ourselves I have permission to be happy and content today. The little things add up to big things or how I like to say “ Big Thangs! “ overtime. It’s the little things that we do and tell ourselves daily is what becomes a habitual daily routine.

You’re not alone in this dear diva! This journey is so much more than our physical well-being!

We are here to support you on your journey so be sure to subscribe to this blog and follow the socials @flybyjuly to keep in the loop of all the things Team FBJ!

Don’t forget to tag a diva @flybyjuly we want to celebrate the WINS you’ve made 🙌🏽

Be Healthy! Be Fabulous! Be You!

Mia The Diva

Fly Girl Summer Refresh Era! Getting back into routine: 5 ways to get back on program • Fly by July Campaign

June 22, 2023

Mia The Diva

Hey Divas!

Fly Girl Summer is officially abound! I didn’t quite hit my Summertime Fly goals but have been getting my life together in major ways! 🙌🏽

There is so much more to a lifestyle change than eating salads and drinking coconut water.

I’m back! I’ve been off the grid a bit between catching up with friends after a long winter, spring cleaning 🧹 my space, my life and everything else in between to prepare for the summer months ahead.

I’ve cleaned my carpets! Whoop! Whoop! Yes it was way overdue and l tell you the feeling is so amazing to walk into freshly cleaned carpets!

Dirt like hair carries an energy to it and just as cutting those split ends releases negative energy a good carpet steam clean is so good for the soul. My space feels like it has an openness to it which l am loving.

I do have a personal upright steam vacuum but let me tell you not a professional job but it got the job the done. If that makes sense.

I’ve gotten off track a bit yet again easing into the new year life happens, it’s always happening but like I’ve always said this is not a race it’s a journey.

However still keeping hydrated and minding my business as per usual. Life kinda looks like a zig zag but eventually we’ll get to where we want to be.

In this article l’ll be sharing how to get back into a wellness routine and 5 ways to get back on program if you’ve fallen off those New Year’s goals like me.

Summer is a great time to reset and refocus on ourselves. It’s a time to pause and be still, from an an astronomical moment in time, the sun stands completely still. Symbolically, a Diva or Vo can honor a sacred pause within their own being.

It’s kind of like a mid-year check in. There is plenty left of 2023 to accomplish those 2023 goals! If you didn’t quite hit your summer body goals developing healthy habits are an equal win dear diva!

The habits we set today will set us up for success tomorrow!🙌🏽

We’ve still got some time July is next week and we’ve still got the second half of 2023 to go! Enough time to develop some healthier habits as we are leaning into the busy or lazy for the lucky few of us summer months and rest of the year ahead!

If you are still on target showing up for yourself and crushing your goals, Congrats dear diva!

You are on your way to Summa Summa Time Flyness!! This article can still be of help to keep you on your game & the motivation flowing!

Feeling Fly & Fabulous celebrating Juneteenth this past weekend!

5 Ways How to get back into routine when you’ve fallen off program!

1. Keep it Simple

No need to go out and run 5 miles today. Jumping back in full throttle is asking alot especially if you can barely get out of bed.

I know for me these days l gotta do a warm up pre-game before l get outta bed! Being 40+and growing older is a privilege, but it’s not for the weak!

I’m also learning that growing older doesn’t mean being in pain if we keep all of our parts moving. We are only as old as our mindset.

So if staying in bed is the alternative to running 5 miles ummmm think l’ll stay in bed.

However looking forward to stepping outside to get a breath of air and going for a walk clear my mind and get my thoughts together for the day can be a game changer!

2. Keep it Real

Once l started looking at walking for my mental health it helped me be more consistent and it’s an amazing way to start your day full of insight, energy and ready to tackle the day. It can be as short as 15 minutes to walk around the block.

Not Easing into things and not keeping it simple sets us up for failure. If you’ve set unrealistic goals. You know you better than anyone else and know what’s right for you and your body where you are right now.

So maybe it’s just getting out of the bed opening a window and getting dressed for now. This can be a challenge right now for those working at home.

I know some days l get my diva card pulled working from home it really makes a difference the days l have to be dressed for Zoom meetings and have decided if l am on camera or not l dress as if l am going to the office and it has helped my production, energy and how l show up for myself and work.

If you’re not working at home to look pulled together for the day can be a stretch for some because we’re exhausted, maybe taking a few extra minutes to add a little makeup can make a world of difference in how you look and feel.

For my Fly guys reading a little cologne or a fresh cut if you need it can go a very long way!

3. What activity do you actually REALLY like? Do it!!

If you’re not a runner, don’t run. Forcing ourselves to do something that’s not really our jam makes it harder to force ourselves to do something we hate.

I recently started taking a step aerobics class one of my most near & dear long time sister friends’ became an instructor and l went out to support her class.

It turns out that l really enjoyed it and the first time l actually broke a sweat! I absolutely NEVER sweat this was a big one for me. I felt like my body was actually detoxing.

I don’t know all the moves and l don’t care how l look l’m moving my body for a solid hour and l feel great afterwards. That’s all that matters.

It was a great workout all around but my body did not like this jumping around for an hour. It’s taken time to adjust but l like it and have found something l can stick to.

So I challenge you dear diva to find something that keeps you motivated to find movements in your day or during the week. It can be something as simple as walking instead of running.

Going out dancing instead of an aerobics class is another idea, you just have to try different things until you find something you like and look forward to doing.

4. You’re going to mess up. Get over it.

In this space of life’s journey we have lived and experienced failures probably more times than we would like to remember. So we know we’re going to mess up. It’s going to happen, it’s coming but what are we going to do with it when it happens?

I started this blog 10 + years ago and have fell off so many times as a testament that this is a journey. lt’s not going to be perfect or look perfect. Sometimes l think about how far l would have been if l had more focus but you know l had a lot of life to experience to be able to better serve here.

I needed to grow a thicker skin and in a weird but comforting way l’m exactly where l need to be even though l do not feel like l am.

We may be on our game crushing our goals doin the things and BAM 💥 then something happens we fall off.

We feel like a failure when we fall off, we may fall back into old habits and that feeling of failure can be absolutely crushing but with some self care and compassion for ourselves can go a very long way and over time help us overcome those feelings and come back better than ever!

If you find yourself wallowing in self pitty have your moment (s) but don’t stay there when they surface. Have some empathy for yourself talk to yourself as you would a friend.

Don’t give up on everything that you’ve worked on it’s not lost we just gotta pick ourselves back up and try to identify happened that caused us to fall off.

Resolve what happened that caused us to fall off and try again dear diva, this is not a race! Give yourself and all of your efforts no matter how big or small they are they all count!

Just like when were babies learning to walk, we start again we may fall and that’s ok as long as we keep showing up for ourselves, exercise will eventually get easier.

So baby yourself and give yourself some grace. Nobody ever told us after we turn 18 we are to parent ourselves. Take care of you dear diva.

5. Treat Yourself

I’m not talking about at the end of your journey where you have one big reward but many that lead up to it. How that looks for you is upto you. During campaign season l encourage everyone to set weekly goals for themselves.

If you’ve crushed the goal you’ve set for yourself that’s a celebration! It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant it can be something as simple as getting a new matching set to work out in, a new water cup, anything to move your wellness journey needle forward, that will help keep you motivated!

It can also be non-monetary like having a nature day or having a self care day cooking up your favorite treat meal and indulging in a bubble bath.

Now that it’s warmer, you can even have a pool day and curling up to a good book or a spicy romance novel.

Whatever it is find something that’s a true incentive for you to keep you working towards your goal!

You’re not alone in this dear diva! This journey is so much more than our physical well-being!

We are here to support you on your journey so be sure to subscribe to this blog and follow the socials @flybyjuly to keep in the loop of all the things Team FBJ!

Don’t forget to tag a diva @flybyjuly we want to celebrate the WINS you’ve made 🙌🏽

Be Healthy! Be Fabulous! Be You!

Mia The Diva

Sunday Self-care • Fly by July Campaign

February 13, 2023

Mia The Diva

What’s stopping you from getting started on your Wellness Journey? • Fly by July Campaign

February 7, 2023

Mia The Diva

Hi Divas!

Here we are into February of this New Year! I hope you found the last post helpful in helping you envision your best 2023!

What’s stopping you from getting started on your Wellness Journey?

So here we are, where do we start? We know everything we need to do but somehow we’re not showing up for ourselves. Turning over when we set that early alarm.

Our beds are soooo comfy and it’s cold outside. We love our pillows, fluffy duvets, and warmth from our beds it’s so cozy here. I realized l didn’t want to get out of bed after having good intentions and setting that early alarm because ultimately it’s comfortable. It’s secure. It’s what l know.

I started thinking about other areas of my life and everything is comfortable, secure and what l know. I found myself having this aha moment of being in status quo.

Especially working from home my days are running into each other and look much of the same from day to day. I realized if l continue to stay in this bed (metaphorically) nothing is ever going to change in my life.

Shortly after the new year started, l was having a conversation and discussing my health goals for the new year with a friend. I work long days and was figuring out ways to make time so that l can get my walk in daily.

During our conversation I asked: “ Is this really realistic? Am l really going to wake up at 6am everyday?”

My friend responded simply and with the most care had said:

“ You have to —-.”

In that moment l realized what was stopping me from getting started on my wellness journey, something shifted. I realized l wasn’t making it a priority and was not given it a sense of urgency.

That night l laid out my workout clothes on my bed. The next morning l got up and went for my walk.

It turned into something that l realized l must do because l’m never going to own my life if l don’t take control of my health and the way l feel.

I don’t hit my workout goals everyday but l’m learning to change my scope of how l view consistency. I’m learning that tomorrow is always another day and another chance. It will never be done. This is truly a lifestyle change.

So this week is the official first week of campaign season! This year’s campaign will run through July 1st 2023. So be sure to Subscribe & Follow a diva!

I am here simply to share information l’m learning as l am on my own wellness journey to improve my health. I hope this blog can be a source of inspiration and motivation to get you started on your own healthy path dear diva!

Taking the first step

Please know we are all doing this for ourselves but not by ourselves. I’m right here with you along the way as we get through this together and hopefully partner up in supporting each other towards something great.

The First Step: Set a Goal

We can not achieve success if we do not have something that we are moving towards. A goal helps us measure where we want to be.

It’s one thing for us to say we want to look like we had a BBL it’s another to have an ultimate goal that is as ambitious as attainable.

What’s attainable?

Everyday we are bombarded with IG Beauty Standards. IG models don’t even look like IG models IRL so stop the foolishness! Don’t let social media and society dictate how you should look and feel about your body.

Having unrealistic body aspirations only sends us down a path of poor self image and not feeling like we are “ good “ enough. – Not a good look for a Diva!

A quick story time. I started seeing a nutritionist about post pandemic 2021 due to some health challenges l was having. I never had suffered from poor body image. I’ve always been a big girl my entire adult life.

My mother was a Big Beautiful Woman and it didn’t stop her or what she wanted out of life which was a husband and a family. She didn’t have to work. She went to work because she chose to which are two very different things.

So in short as l got older and gained weight over the years l never saw it as a reflection of my value as a person, self worth or inability to date or be in a relationship. I’ve always been proud of my body and her strength.

However my scope of health was quite the opposite ironically. Like most of society my ideal of health was having the body of an athlete and eating salads.

I started having some issues with low iron, elevated blood sugar and cholesterol. I went to a nutritionist to help me with the tools to improve my diet, health & get my body into “ healthy “ shape.

My story about going to a nutritionist is for another post but it has been one of the key factors on my healing journey and has really helped put the pieces of my life together.

So during one of our sessions l was asking her ways that l can eat to lose weight and change my body. She had asked me, “ Mia, what if you never lost another pound? “ — l was speechless.

I was taken aback and even slightly offended like she didn’t have belief in me or something. That l was just destined to be this way forever. When l tell you that this was one of the most empowering moments of my journey this was that moment.

It took me sometime to think about it. It was about a week or so and when we met for our next session l was able to share with her that l had come to the actualization that all l could do is be myself.

All l can ever be is my healthiest self that is something that l can change if l don’t like it. Ultimately we are all born with what we’ve got. It was in that very moment that l was finally free from the perfectionism of my wellness journey.

Ever since then l show up. I strive to give my best and to be consistent is the goal. I’m not perfect l have ways to go but l am learning more and more about myself everyday. Our bodies are beautiful and can do some pretty amazing things.

I honor my body she shows up for me everyday as long as l have breath in this body. That was such a great question my nutritionist asked me and l am so grateful for her. It was a powerful loaded question that changed the entire direction of my journey.

What’s a realistic expectation?

There are three basic body types. It’s important for a diva to understand her shape and what she can and can’t expect from it.

The Apple Diva

This body type stores fat in the upper torso. The extra fat is usually carried around the tummy area this body type had evolved over time for longs periods without food. It’s important that Apples are health conscious to cardiac disease as they tend to store fat in the upper body.

The Pear-shaped Diva

This body type holds majority of fat in the lower body hips, thighs & butt. This body type mostly are woman and have evolved over time for fertility and breastfeeding so it’s harder to lose but not as much of a health risk as tummy fat.

The Proportionate Diva

This body type fat cells are evenly distributed throughout the entire body. They lose everywhere and gain everywhere. It all adds and comes off evenly.

Weekly Challenge:

So as you can see we all have a shape where our fat goes. Working out and eating a particular way we can altar our bodies to a point. Our genetics will kick in and we will have our reality. Once we get this we can let go of unreachable crazy “lG Model goals “ and replace them with real ones.

I challenge you this week to identify your basic body type and start thinking about a fitness goal of where you want to be by July 1st.

I want you to imagine it’s July 1st 2023 and you have crushed your fitness goal or on your way to crushing & achieving your fitness goals.

What changed in how you’re showing up today vs how you were showing up in your life this first week of February 2023?

What are you doing different these days? What does your daily routine look like? I’d love to hear from you comment below if you’d like to share & have some support & accountability towards your goals! 💪🏽💕

You can follow us @flybyjuly on all the things social tag a diva! We would love to check in on you & support you on your wellness journey as well!

I’m definitely working on getting more active on my socials it’s been a minute but l mostly hang out here on the blog & pod!

Be Healthy Be Fabulous Be You!

Mia Thee Diva

2023 Bucket List • Fly by July Campaign

January 30, 2023

Mia The Diva

Hi Divas!

Happy New Year Everyone!🥂🖤 so who else tried to get their entire life together before midnight New Year’s Eve?

NYE 2022

Although l had intentions of being in these streets this NYE l opted to ring in the New Year quietly at home in my fanciest of leggings taking a few New Year’s selfies because this tiara is everything & binge streaming which was a nice change of pace because l don’t watch a whole lot of television.

It was a pretty full holiday season for me which l am grateful for and looking forward to that fresh start where we get this time of year to do this —-ALL —- over again. There’s always something optimistic and nostalgic starting a New calendar year.

I have a decent view of the strip and at midnight l ran out at midnight in the rain, wet and cold then drove around the corner to watch fireworks the one day it rains in Vegas lol.

Happy New Year. I’m back! I know it’s been a minute. It’s like the year ended for me when summer ended and my birthday came back in September.

It’s now winter. We got goals and as the saying goes Summer bodies are made in the winter.

The days just seem to be going by so fast these days, it’s hard to believe we have completed a whole year already it seems like 2022 was just one long weekend and my brain somehow is still stuck in 2020 it seems like time has just froze these past couple of years.

I started this year very early this morning as I am writing this on January 1st 2023 feeling refreshed, ready and hopeful of this year ahead.

To be transparent this whole holiday was great as it was tough for me to process some very hard residual emotions.

I’m not one to get emotional or depressed during the holidays but this year I think for the first time I allowed myself to feel ok with being a little down.

I kept myself busy and enjoyed time with friends. I had to get over this idea l had of the holidays. The holiday’s look different in this space of life that l am in and —— it’s ok.

It’s not what l was expecting in this space of life but what l’m learning is having expectations of things that are out of our control is the fast track to being down in the dumps.

To feel all the feels I realized I’ve been over-functioning since my Mom died 20 years ago this month. All the memories flooded that last holiday when she was alive. I understand now how young she was I was so young she was so young.

I’m in a stage of life that l am losing family members a change of the guard but it’s tough. Just when l think lve got this grief thing down l’m reminded that l don’t. I probably never will.

I look back at my life and took inventory of these past 20 years. I happened to have been in therapy at the time of my Mom’s death and I remember not crying and wondering why I was not crying when my mother had died.

My therapist at the time shared with me a truth bomb that helped me through my grieving process to this very day twenty years later.

She said that sometimes when we experience trauma our brains go into survival mode until it is safe to feel those emotions.

I remember years later I was crying at everything I seemed to see my mother everywhere but I also understood why I was going through what so I didn’t think I was losing my mind and going crazy. Side note: Therapy Rocks!! It doesn’t take away what happened to you but it helps you understand.

So as l enter this new year this new stage of life l will be living it on my terms. I’ve waisted so many years making other people and their bullsh*t my reality. Don’t nobody have time for that! Literally.

At the end of the day all we are left with is our feelings after people have did you dirty and have used you they will go on with their lives, so make sure you always feel your best. Do the things to be your best so that we can show up for ourselves and live the life that we truly want.

How we feel and how we show up for ourselves is one of the few things we actually have control over in this life, so make it work for you dear diva!

My 2023 Bucket List:

So traditionally a bucket list helps us maximize every moment of our existence and be able to live our lives out to the fullest.

A bucket list is all the things that we want to achieve before we die. The start of a new year is the perfect time to create one!

This year l decided to go more of the personal growth route but you honestly can create one for all aspects of your life like Travel, Health & Fitness, Career, Learning something new, relationships, all the way down to random things that you want to do. It’s your year you get to decide.

I challenge you to envision how you want your 2023 to look for you! Here’s my personal list below l took the non traditional route because l want to focus on my all around wellbeing.

1. Daily Gratitude – We hear this all the time but when are grateful for things it’s hard to get anxious, depressed or angry.

All day negative thoughts have been trying to get in my mind and l kick them right TF out!

2. Taking things one day at a time – There is no rush to the finish line. I’m learning that life is really about the unfolding of events and having deeper connections that help us grow into who we need to be.

3. Following my intuition – going with my gut! Sometimes l can overthink things to death and make myself sick over it. I have given my energy my attention to things that have far exceeded their shelf life. – Not a good look for a diva!

4. Spending more time with people that inspire & energize me. People either will energize, inspire, or drain you. Choose wisely.

5. Letting Go of Unrealistic expectations – Perfectionism has stalled so much of my life. The all or nothing approach has only set me up for the failure. The failure l was desperately trying to avoid ironically. I’m learning to work with my life and not against it.

6. Brain Breaks – Taking a brain break for a few minutes each day to give to myself. Especially working from home the days and my life all kind of run into each other. It’s so important to break up the day and give time back to myself.

7. Focusing on 3 simple goals – I use to over complicate trying to do everything at once every New Year only to get frustrated. Keeping my focus small & simple. A health goal, a personal goal, and career/financial goal.

8. Normalizing feeling sad – Sometimes we get down it’s a part of life. Sometimes we are up and have some pretty amazing days. I think it’s unrealistic and unhealthy to have the belief that things are to be good all the time.

When l’m having a moment I give myself 24 hours to be a sad bit*h then it’s time pull it back together.

I take it as a que like a check your engine light for something that’s not working in my life. It’s when we can’t pull out of it’s ok to get some professional help. Which l have done been there and actively doing.

Sadness no matter how painful has always given me the gift of clarity. It sucks when we’re in the thick of our expectations but the growth on the other side of painful experiences is priceless.

9. Booking my life – This year flew by and l have no idea how l really spent my time. I kind of found myself on this gerbal wheel of life lost, stuck, in a rut of poor habits and routines tired from being tired but nothing to show for it.

So anything l do it’s going on the calendar! The same for planning if it’s not on the calendar it doesn’t happen. I heard this quote “ lf you aim for nothing you will hit every time.” And l felt that to my core. Power Hour – Routines & Habits all 2023!

10. Allowing myself to be – Change is not easy as with a shifts l experience instead of resisting it l am willing to explore it.

My hope and goal this year is to live intentionally while still being in the moment. I challenge you to create your own 2023 Bucket List as we start this brand spanking’ New Year!

Be Healthy Be Fabulos Be You!

Mia The Diva